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Canadian agri-food exporters are extremely disappointed Bill C-282 passed to third reading

June 21, 2023

Dan Darling, President of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance (CAFTA) today issued the statement below regarding Bill C-282: An Act to Amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act (supply management).


“CAFTA members are profoundly disappointed the House of Commons have voted to pass Bill C-282 on third reading. In doing so, Members of Parliament have chosen to entrench protectionism and favor one economic sector above all others.


“CAFTA is calling on the Senate of Canada to give this Bill the proper second sober thought it needs to carefully consider the negative impacts of Bill C-282. CAFTA urges the Senate Committees to dedicate ample time and resources to hear from all sectors and groups impacted by this Bill.


“The effects of the Bill will be negative to both the businesses who depend on trade and the consumers who benefit from better access to international markets. Not only will our already established trade agreements, like CUSMA, be threatened but our future trade opportunities in other parts of the world will be largely diminished –if not erased.

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